Effect of Hematover PLUS OVER, alone and combined with iron dextran, on weight gain of pig litters
Med. Vet. Luisina Rebora (Área Técnica Porcinos OVER). Med.Vet. Diego Esborraz. Med.Vet. Gustavo Zimmermann (Departamento Técnico OVER). Effect of Hematover PLUS OVER, alone and combined with iron dextran, on weight gain of pig litters

Controlled test to assess the efficacy of a triple combination of anthelmintics (Ivermectin/Levamisole/Clorsulon) against infections caused by Trichostrongylidae nematodes and Fasciola hepatica in bovines and ovines
CÉSAR A. FIEL (Veterinarian) and PEDRO E. STEFFAN (Ph.D, in Veterinary Medicine). Area of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, Department of Animal Health and Preventive Medicine, School of Veterinary Sciences, UNCPBA, University Campus (7000) Tandil Controlled test...

Controlled test to assess the efficacy of a combination of anthelmintics (Ivermectin/Levamisole) against infections caused by Trichostrongylidae nematodes in bovines and ovines
CÉSAR A. FIEL (Veterinarian) and PEDRO E. STEFFAN (Ph.D, in Veterinary Medicine). Area of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases, Department of Animal Health and Preventive Medicine, School of Veterinary Sciences, UNCPBA, University Campus (7000) Tandil Controlled test...

Technical trial on the efficacy of Hematover PLUS on weight gain in bovines
Diego Esborraz, veterinarian (OVER’s technical department); Martín Deco, veterinarian (OVER’s commercial department) Technical trial on the efficacy of Hematover PLUS on weight gain in bovines

Technical trial to assess the efficacy of an antiparasitic paste formulation against gastrointestinal nematodes in canines
Chair of Parasitology, School of Veterinary Sciences, Catholic University of Córdoba. Technical trial to assess the efficacy of an antiparasitic paste formulation against gastrointestinal nematodes in canines

Evaluation of the tick-killing action of an experimental product based on Fluazuron 2.5% (Overtak), applied pour-on, on the common cattle tick (Boophilus microplus)
Abel L. Vogel, Maximiliano A. Vogel, Gustavo Zimmermann Evaluación de la acción garrapaticida de un producto experimental a base de Fluazurón 2,5% (Overtak) de aplicación pour on sobre la garrapata común del ganado bovino (Boophilus microplus).Inglés